Our long-standing research partnership is now a strategic opportunity to advance open source AI, and everyone is invited. If you’ve followed Red Hat Research over the years, chances are you’ve heard of the Mass Open Cloud Alliance (MOC-A). The MOC is a production...
Red Hat Research collaborates with universities and government agencies to produce peer-reviewed publications that bring open source contributions along with them. These research artifacts illustrate the value that open industry-academia collaborations hold not just...
A proposed Kubernetes scheduler plugin aims to introduce energy efficiency as a factor in dynamic scheduling while still meeting performance requirements. Businesses in many sectors are setting aggressive sustainability goals, from transitioning to renewable energy...
Ensuring security in open source software starts before a line of code is written. What role should communities and developers play? Open source projects are used in commercial products by many companies, from Microsoft and Google to Red Hat. The developers behind...
Updates to NERC infrastructure enable fine-grained resource permissions for observability data. Observability data provides essential insights for optimizing performance, troubleshooting, and using resources sustainably. For users of the New England Research Cloud...