Red Hat Research engineers will lead the workshop on k8s operator for FaaS at DevConf.CZ 2023

Jun 9, 2023 | Europe, News

Red Hat Principal Software Engineer Luis Tomas Bolivar and Senior Software Engineer Jose Castillo Lema will lead the workshop Writing a K8s Operator for Knative Functions at DevConf.CZ on Friday, June 16, 2023 (2:15pm – 3:35pm CEST; hybrid event). Workshop participants learn about the PHYSICS European project, the Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) model, and will build a Kubernetes operator for Knative functions, an open source enterprise-level solution for building serverless and event-driven applications.

Luis and Jose are both active in the PHYSICS project, a collaborative research effort that includes Red Hat Research as one of its 14 international partners. The main topics from the workshop come from PHYSICS outputs and its focus on alignment with upstream communities.

About the workshop

Serverless and Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) are getting more and more attention from customers and developers as a way to develop, run, and manage application functionality without the burden of infrastructure-related knowledge. Big cloud providers like AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Function, or Microsoft Azure Functions offer these options already. One of the most relevant upstream open source projects for serverless is Knative, which recently added support for functions (create, build, and deploy) on top of Kubernetes clusters.

This workshop will introduce you to the FaaS model, as well as to building Kubernetes operators. You will implement a Kubernetes Operator, using the operatorsdk framework, to provide (some of) the functionality of the Knative CLI. This will allow easier deployment of functions with Knative just by creating Kubernetes (CR) objects, and will help you learn the internals about how Kubernetes Operators work in a real life example.


PHYSICS is a high technology European research project with total funding of about 5ML€ proceeding with a consortium of 14 international partners, including technology producers, research centers, and universities. The main goal of PHYSICS is to unlock the potential of the Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) paradigm for cloud service providers, platform providers, and application developers and foster its wide deployment. PHYSICS will enable application developers to design, implement, and deploy advanced FaaS applications using new functional flow programming tools that leverage proven design patterns and existing libraries of cloud/FaaS components. The project started in January 2021 and will end in December 2023. 

Visit the PHYSICS project page on the Red Hat Research website to learn more about the PHYSICS architecture components.

About DevConf

DevConf.CZ is an annual, free, Red Hat sponsored community conference for developers, admins, DevOps engineers, testers, documentation writers and other contributors to open source technologies. At DevConf.CZ, FLOSS communities sync, share, and hack on upstream projects together. DevConf.CZ 2023 is a hybrid event held in Brno June 16-18; view the schedule to see the variety of speakers and topics.

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