Red Hat Research Quarterly
Kamil Dudka
About the author
Kamil Dudka joined Red Hat as an intern in 2008 while finishing his master’s degree in Intelligent Systems at Brno University of Technology. In 2009, he started to work on a formal verification tool named Predator, which has won several gold medals in the International Competition on Software Verification (SV-COMP). Since 2011, Kamil has been developing open source tools for fully automatic static analysis of RPM packages. In 2019 he joined the AUFOVER project, where he worked on the automation of formal verification in open source Linux distributions.
Articles by this author
While research on formal verification continues, fully automatic dynamic analysis of RPM packages is now available for Fedora users. In 2019, Red Hat joined the AUFOVER (Automation of Formal Verification) project, which focused on fully automatic detection of bugs in complex software products based on formal verification. The project was driven by Honeywell and supported […]