Do you have a project idea? Let us know about it.


At Red Hat Research we want to connect open source developers of all levels with projects and Red Hat mentors. We are looking for several types of projects here:

  1.  You are a professor or a PhD student and would like to work with us on a PhD-level project. Email our Research Director and tell us about it — we promise complete confidentiality while we work with you to find a suitable project sponsor.
  2. You are a Red Hat engineer with a PhD-level research idea. Fill in the form below with as much detail as you can manage, and we will see if one of the schools we work with would like to follow up. Make sure you list yourself (or whoever is appropriate) as the mentor.
  3. You have an idea for an internship project of three months to one year duration or a thesis-level project, either bachelor’s or master’s thesis. Fill in the form below and be sure to put yourself or another Red Hat engineer down as a mentor.
  4. You have the perfect idea for a contest project: Red Hat Open Source Contest, Google Summer of Code, or anything else. Fill in the form below, make sure you have a mentor.
  5. You have an itch — a command-line argument needs fixing, a longstanding bug needs tackling. Fill in the form below to help a student solve your problem and do their very own starter project.


Project Submission

  • Enter a full description of your project here. Include any university or other affiliations we should know about.