CoFHE: Compiler for Fully Homomorphic Encryption

In today’s data-driven world, our personal data is frequently shared with enterprises and cloud service providers. Unfortunately, data processing in the cloud is not 100% secure and private. In the year 2022, approximately 4,100 data breaches were publicly reported,...

AERO: Accelerated EuRopean clOud

Several European flagship projects have emerged towards European sovereignty in chip design and computing infrastructure. Among them, the EU Processor Initiative (EPI) spearheads the development of the first EU processor. To ensure the successful integration of the EU...

CODECO: Cognitive Decentralised Edge Cloud Orchestration

The overall aim of CODECO is to contribute to a smoother and more flexible support of services across the Edge-Cloud continuum via the creation of a novel, cognitive Edge-Cloud management framework. CODECO will implement software toolkits suitable for a smarter...