Red Hat Research Quarterly provides insights into the range of activities that bring universities, government organizations, industry partners together to share outcomes with open source communities. Here you’ll find articles on the latest research topics we are exploring together, views into the approaches and people behind that research, and examples of the impact that combining education with an open source perspective can have.

All issues

May 2024

Mo Duffy and Rudolph Pienaar: ChRIS five years later: leveling the playing field for advanced analytics and AI

November 2024

John Goodhue: Power surge: the push for sustainability in high-performance computing and AI workloads

May 2023

Red Hat Chairman Paul Cormier and Boston University Professor Orran Krieger: “That’s what open source is all about”

August 2023

Miroslav Bureš: “Research is an adventure”: Putting theory to the test at the university and in the field

November 2023

Jonathan Appavoo: No more gatekeepers: Why technological ignorance is radically dangerous and how an open world will help

February 2024

Walter Scheirer: Future vision: on the internet, technopanic, and the limits of AI

May 2022

Ayse Coskun on how machine learning for operations and how AI can push analytics to the speed of software deployment.

RHRQ Issue August 2022 cover with Tomas Cerny, professor at Baylor University

August 2022

Tomáš Černý: The Baylor University professor talks cross-cultural exchange, microservice evolution, and quality assurance

RHRQ Issue August 2022 cover with Tomas Cerny, professor at Baylor University

November 2022

Daniel Gruss and Martin Schwarzl: When is it secure enough? Vulnerability research and the future of vulnerability management.

RHRQ Issue August 2022 cover with Tomas Cerny, professor at Baylor University

February 2023

Abhimanyu (Manu) Gosain: Where are we with wireless? How researchers are pushing forward the state of the art, and what that means for industry

May 2021

Anat Bremler-Barr: when one plus one makes more than two

August 2021

Anna Brunström: the right idea at the right time: networking researchers use open source for real-world results

RHRQ 3:3 - magazine cover

November 2021

Barbora Buhnová: On founding Czechitas and opening the doors of tech

RHRQ magazine cover with man

February 2022

Michael Zink: On shared cloud computing resources making research more accessible and powerful

May 2020

Kit Murdock—an open source swashbuckler.

Research Red Hat Quarterly 2:2 cover page

August 2020

Voyage into the open Dataverse: 

James Honaker and Mercè Crosas on the privacy balancing act

Red Hat Research Quarterly 2:3 cover page with Vaclav Matyas

October 2020

Václav Matyáš: open source cybersecurity and the next generation

Cover of Research Quarterly 2:4 with Kate Saenko

February 2021

Kate Saenko: minimizing dataset bias in AI

May 2019

Daniel Gruss—What can we do to improve security and resistance to the Spectres and Meltdowns of the future?

August 2019

How To Train Your Model: E. Ugur Kaynar’s Research Adds Object Store Caching to Ceph, Speeds Machine Learning.

November 2019

Rolling your own processor: Ahmed Sanaullah builds an open source toolchain for an FPGA.

February 2020

Finding Flipper: Newcastle PhDs Georgia Atkinson and Cameron Trotter use deep learning to identify and count marine mammals.


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