Red Hat EU research partnerships accelerate innovation in the IoT-cloud-edge continuum

Aug 28, 2024 | Europe, Featured News, News

AI, cloud-edge environments, and wireless networks are strategic priorities for open source projects supported by Horizon Europe, a grant program that facilitates collaboration among industry, academia, and research centers to solve global challenges. Red Hat Research supports several Horizon Europe projects with both technical contributions and dissemination of discoveries across open source communities.


INCODE (INtelligent COllaborative DEployments) is a developer platform intended to simplify application deployment on IoT devices, with the necessary infrastructure for deployments across the IoT-edge-cloud continuum, including 5G and RAN networks. Example use cases include the collaboration of drone and ground vehicles in search-and-rescue efforts and monitoring operators in a manufacturing facility through an exoskeleton and sensors. Red Hat contributions to the INCODE project include responsibility for the scheduler, resource manager, and distributed storage; deploying OpenShift clusters at edge testbeds; creating OpenShift as a Service in the OpenSlice catalog; and assisting with telemetry and runtime orchestration components. 

Clodagh Walsh and Paul Power of Red Hat Ireland as well as Benny Rochwerger of Red Hat Israel attended the INCODE Third Plenary in Limassol, Cyprus, to introduce the team’s design for a cross-cluster scheduling mechanism and an approach to support low-specced IoT devices as worker nodes. The proposed meta-scheduler leverages and extends the capabilities of OpenShift Advanced Cluster Management (ACM). In particular, it provides a mechanism to deploy workloads to ManagedClusters, taking into account factors like resource discovery, selection algorithms, and system architecture. By addressing these components systematically, the resulting scheduler can efficiently and reliably match job requirements with available resources.  For workloads on far-edge IoT devices, the proposed design leverages bootc with image mode for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Microshift, and Virtual Kubelet,  an approach that promises enhanced efficiency, security, and manageability for IoT deployments.

Learn more in the team’s INCODE presentation at DevConf.CZ.


CODECO (Cognitive Decentralized Edge to Cloud Orchestration) aims to support dense deployments in B5G/6G services with a novel cognitive edge-cloud management framework. Members of the Red Hat Research team met with the CODECO consortium at  INOVA+ in Porto, Portugal, to highlight key achievements, milestones reached, and valuable lessons learned along the way.

Red Hatters presented their work in infrastructure management and cloud-native deployments completed during the first half of the project. Highlights of Red Hat’s contributions include the definition of an application model that helps track multicluster, multipod applications for Quality of Service (QoS) and energy consumption among other things, automated deployment of the entire platform, and the beginning of a multicluster, edge-friendly monitoring framework 

Alka Nixon and Ray Carroll of Red Hat Ireland presented CODECO at DevConf.CZ, showcasing its energy efficiency and capacity to leverage AI to enable smart solutions.

Funded by the European Union under Grant Agreement No. 101093069 and No. 101092696. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Research Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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