Red Hat Research Quarterly
Heidi Dempsey
About the author
Heidi Picher Dempsey is the US Research Director for Red Hat. She seeks and cultivates research and open source projects with academic and commercial partners in operating systems, hybrid clouds, performance optimization, networking, security, and distributed system operations.
Articles by this author
During Red Hat Research Days, researchers, Red Hatters, technologists, and students come together to discuss exciting new research developments.
Collaboration between students and engineers is shaping the future of software, hardware, and as-yet-unimagined complex computer systems. I like to read science fiction, partly as an escape from thinking about the complex real-life technology and people we work with daily in the Red Hat Research group. Our research and development projects are fascinating, but some […]
Dr. Michael Zink is Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. In addition to publishing and teaching, Dr. Zink has participated in several projects providing distributed systems and virtual networks for research and education, including GENI and ExoGENI (2007-2021), Cloud Lab (2014-2021), and now the Open Cloud Testbed (OCT) since […]
Researchers, students, and software engineers all have something to gain and something to give when checking out research interest groups. I was going through my coat pockets recently and found an old pair of Red Hat sunglasses. The plastic shade part of the sunglasses had popped out on one side, so if you put them […]
Many talents contributed to one goal: a shared production-level research cloud. It was a chilly morning at Boston University, and I was looking for a quiet place to gather my thoughts and do some writing. I passed two painters covering up scuffs on the white walls and a man with a floor machine busily tracing […]
The open cloud has been both cornerstone and North Star for Red Hat Research. Our relationship with the Mass Open Cloud (MOC) and its more recent iteration, the MOC Alliance, has been critical to advancing our understanding of open cloud architecture and the many possibilities it opens for research. (Look no further than our interview […]
Research- and leadership-focused support is getting results in the push to grow and diversify the engineering talent pool. The technology industry has largely embraced the theory that diversity drives innovation, but in practice the talent pipeline continues to be leaky. Even when high school preparation is equal, students of color are more likely than white […]
When Alexander Graham Bell made the first telephone call in his Boston laboratory in 1876, saying to his assistant “Mr. Watson, come here—I want to see you,” he created our popular image of the inventor’s aha! moment. What that image doesn’t show is that this was just one moment in a research, development, and deployment […]
For those active in the early years of cloud computing, the challenges of open AI systems may feel strangely familiar. Do large-scale research collaborations have a lesson for today’s AI developers and engineers? We think so. With the proliferation of cloud computing in the early 2000s, IT organizations faced a new challenge: how to manage […]