Red Hat Research Quarterly

Marcel Hild
About the author
Marcel Hild has 25+ years of experience in open source business and development. He co-founded a Linux consulting company and worked as a freelance developer, a Solution Architect for Red Hat, and core Developer for Cloudforms, a Hybrid Cloud Management tool. Now he researches the topic of AIOps in the Office of the CTO at Red Hat, proving how AI will help operating machines and applications.
Articles by this author
Open source has become a dominant paradigm for developing software. One major factor for its success is its transparency: if you have a problem with the software, you can peek into the details of the code, search the issue tracker, ask for help, and maybe even provide a fix. This means that even though most users don’t write code, the mere fact that everything is open will help the majority of users. Now it’s time to apply the open source model to the cloud.
RHRQ asked Professor Ayse Coskun of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Boston University to sit down for an interview with Red Hatter Marcel Hild. Professor Coskun is one of the Principal Investigators on the project AI for Cloud Ops, which recently won a $1 million Red Hat Collaboratory Research Incubation Award. Their conversation […]