Automatic Bug Reporting Tool [ABRT]

ABRT integrates into an operating system, and run-times to detected bugs collects information useful for finding bug causes, allows users to file reports about the problems in several systems. ABRT was originally
developed as a support tool but its focus has changed since then, and we need to improve the user experience for developers and testers.

If you know how to code in Python or C and like to do smart things, we certainly want you to join us in our effort to make ABRT tools more user-friendly. Here are some tasks that we need to accomplish in the near future:

  • Make ABRT Desktop notifications smoothly integrated with GNOME
    • the deprecated *libnotify* must to be replaced with GNotification
  • Improve ABRT’s events configuration
    • abrt should support events.d/ directory which contains events conf files (instead of abrt_event.conf)
  • Re-work ABRT configuration dialogues
    • “They contain some of the worst UI I’ve ever seen” [Allan Day]

Project documentation:
Github repository:

Red Hat Mentor: Miroslav Suchý


Project Resources

