SASS support in Adwaita-qt

Adwaita-qt is a native Qt style to bend Qt applications to look like they belong into GNOME Shell which uses Adwaita style. Adwaita style (GTK version) uses SASS [1] to define the style, colors, sizing etc. while Adwaita-qt has just bunch of fixed values taken from...

Single D-Bus server in SSSD

SSSD is a system daemon written in C language that provides identity, authorization and authentication services for users stored in remote databases. It consists of multiple processes that communicate with each other via D-Bus protocol.Each process runs its own D-Bus...

Enhance code coverage in SSSD tests

SSSD is a system daemon written in C language that provides identity, authorization and authentication services for users stored in remote databases. It leverages unit test in C and integration tests in Python to ensure code quality.We would like to improve code...

Integrate SSSD with Azure AD

SSSD is a system daemon written in C language that provides identity, authorization and authentication services for users stored in remote databases. It can connect to various kinds of LDAP servers through modules called data providers. SSSD is currently able to fetch...