P2CODE (formerly INCODE): Programming Platform for Intelligent Collaborative Deployments over Heterogeneous Edge-IoT Environments
The emergence of cloud-computing, coupled with the shift of processing intelligence towards the very network edge has lowered the bar for private edge use at scale. However, the approach of simply increasing the capacity at the edge does not unlock the full promise of edge computing systems.
For this reason, in stark contrast to the edge computing status quo, the INCODE project aims at innovating and creating a wide-open, secure and trusted IoT-to-edge- to-cloud compute continuum that will realize the true potentials of edge intelligence.
To this aim, the INCODE (Intelligent Collaborative Deployments) project will design and develop an open platform for the deployment and dynamic management of end-user applications, over distributed, heterogeneous and trusted IoT-Edge node infrastructures, with enhanced programmability features and tools. The platform will do so by implementing innovative design approaches and will constitute a fully-integrated infrastructure under the cloud–managed INCODE architecture.
INCODE will contribute to the wider scope of reinforcing Europe’s position in the market of next generation smart systems (sensors and devices) integrated in an evolving Internet of Things and cyber-physical ecosystems with strong capacities at the edge.
EU Horizon Project Coordination Team
Lina Giannakandropoulou, Project Coordinator, Unisystems
Dimitrios Klonidis, Technical Coordinator, UBITECH
Consortium Members
Unisystems, UBITECH, NEC Laboratories, FIWARE Foundation, Siemens, IPTO, MADE, SUITE4, ILINK, K3Y, Agentscape, AXON, ARHS, Martel, PANEPISTIMIO PATRON, Politecnico Di Milano, University of the West of Scotland, University of Manchester

Funded by the European Union under Grant Agreement No. 101093069. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Research Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.