Red Hat Research @ ICCC 2024
At the beginning of November 2024, Red Hat Research joins forces with Red Hat Product Security and Masaryk University researchers to present at The International Common Criteria Conference (ICCC) in Doha, Qatar. The delegation will discuss how the ecosystem of...Student research spotlight: Jakub Suchánek studies authentication in public open source repositories
Understanding user perception and behavior is often neglected in open source software (OSS) security. Jakub Suchánek, a student of the Faculty of Informatics at Masaryk University, collaborated with Red Hat Research on a project investigating authentication in public...Intern Spotlight: Red Hat course helps students unleash the power of Git
University partnerships fuel the generation of new ideas and opportunities in open source research. In addition to developing research collaborations and assisting with student theses, the Red Hat Research team facilitates teaching opportunities for our engineers....Mastering Git with university students
Irina Gulina, Sr. Software Quality Engineer, RHEL for SAP Solutions, CCSP, Red Hat, and Tomáš Tomeček, Senior Principal Software Engineer, Linux Integration Engineering, Red Hat, discuss the Mastering Git course they teach at Masaryk University (MUNI) at the Faculty of Informatics (FI) in Brno, Czech Republic. The course was organized with the help of Martin Ukrop, Red Hat Program Manager, Red Hat Research.