Europe Research Interest Group Meeting [January 2023]
HomaLS: Transport-level encryption for Homa protocol by Michio Honda
Due to the presence of multiple tenants and untrusted network components, datacenter operators need end-to-end encryption. To advance kTLS over DCTCP in today’s datacenter networking, we propose Homa-Level Security (HomaLS), a transport-level encryption for the Homa transport protocol, which offers lower software overheads than TCP, reliable, message-based one-to-many socket abstraction and receiver-driven congestion control. HomaLS performs segment-level encryption to utilize TSO and TLS offloading designed for TCP, which we confirm its feasibility with Mellanox NICs. HomaLS achieves 26–30% shorter message RTT than kTLS over TCP. In the end of the talk, we will discuss possible use of HomaLS in container networking.
Michio Honda has been a Lecturer (equivalent to Assistant Professor in the US) in the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh since 2020. He received his PhD from Keio University in 2012. His best known work is identifying TCP extensibility against middlebox interference and building the first TCP/IP network stack for persistent memory. His current interests include networked storage systems and secure datacenter transport protocols. He is a recipient of IRTF Applied Networking Research Prize (2011), Facebook Research Award (2021) and Google Research Scholar Award (2022).