Fluid Network Control and Data Plane Research
New 5G and 6G technologies are raising the top speed for a wireless device up to 1 Tbps, and experts predict 6G will be available to consumers by 2030. What will our core networks look like then, and how will we engineer them to support diverse dynamic services that range from slow text to fast autonomous vehicles? Watch the recording of this talk for a peek into the challenges of driving on the edge as envisioned by researchers from Latin America.
Christian Rothenberg, Professor, University of Campinas, and head of INTRIG Lab, was our speaker and Simone Ferlin-Reiter, Red Hat, led the conversation.
Prof. Christian Rothenberg will introduce the SMARTNESS 2030 research center initiative and present selected ongoing research tracks around network softwarization leveraging state-of-the-art open source and open hardware technologies:
– Hybrid-p4-5G – Hybrid P4 Programmable Pipelines for 5G gNodeB and User Plane Functions
– P7 – P4 Programmable Patch Panel: an instant 100G emulated network testbed in a Tofino pizza box
– EFFECTOR – Encrypted DASH QoE Performance Evaluation Framework with 5G Datasets
– QoEyes – Virtual Reality Streaming QoE Estimation through ML techniques and Programmable Data Planes
– PoD acceleration – Offloading K8 container networking functions and service mesh crypto functions (eg. kTLS) to programmable SmartNICs/IPUs
Dr. Christian Esteve Rothenberg, Associate Professor, University of Campinas, and head of INTRIG Lab
Conversation Leader
Simone Ferlin-Reiter, Senior Performance Engineer, Red Hat
The recording and materials will be available following the talk. Learn more about Red Hat Research Days Events and watch the recordings from previous events at research.redhat.com/research-talks
Session Recording and Materials