PHYSICS FaaS project has midterm review and November 16 research day presentation

Oct 31, 2022 | Europe, Israel, News, Research Day

The PHYSICS (oPtimized HYbrid Space-time servIce Continuum in faaS) project midterm review was completed on September 20, 2022, at a hybrid meeting in Brussels. During PHYSICS’s project midterm review meeting, the project’s consortium discussed the project’s progress and achievements accomplished up to month 18. 

PHYSICS is a high-technology European research project with total funding of about 5M€ carried out among a consortium of 14 international partners. The main goal of PHYSICS is to unlock the potential of the Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) paradigm for cloud service providers and application developers. Specifically, it will enable application developers to design, implement and deploy advanced FaaS applications using new functional flow programming tools that leverage proven design patterns and existing libraries of cloud/FaaS components.

Project members Georgios Kousiouris (Harokopio University of Athens), Luis Tomás Bolívar (Red Hat), and Yiannis Georgiou (Ryax Technologies) will discuss the project for the November 2022 Red Hat Research Days virtual event, “PHYSICS EU project: advancing FaaS applications in the cloud continuum,” November 16 from 3PM to 4:30PM CET (4PM IST, 9AM EST). Registration is now open.

At the midterm review meeting, several consortium members delivered presentations providing details on the progress of the project’s architecture, components development, and use case implementation, and on the project’s marketplace development and its exploitation, community engagement, and standardization activities.  

During the meeting. the Project Officer and the reviewers provided constructive feedback, comments, and suggestions. At the end of the session, the Project Officer and the Reviewers were impressed by the work done and the demos, and they qualified the technical work done as “excellent.”

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101017047.

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