Data Driven Forms is a open source library for ReactJS, which handles rendering forms and their state management. A user just writes declarative description of the form in a form of JSON data and all features are provided by the library.
Right now, the library is fully integrated with two Red Hat design systems – PatternFly 3 and PatternFly 4. There is also a integration with Material-UI, which is not fully completed. In the effort of promotion Data Driven Forms we seek an integration with another, open source, component library as ElementalUI, Ant Design, etc. However, th choice is up to you! (You can choose a library, you would like to use in your different project, thesis…)
Your task will be to:
1. Choose a open source component library you like
2. Integrate its components with Data Driven Forms
3. Test your integration
4. Share your work with the library’s community!
Red Hat Mentor: Richard Všianský