Red Hat Internship 101: The Insider’s Guide

Mar 6, 2020 | Blog

Hey future intern!

Interested in diving into the Red Hat world? Our internships kick off either on the 1st of February or the 1st of July, running for a full year. Here’s the scoop:

  • Eligibility Check: Are you in an accredited uni in the Czech Republic? Great! If you’re in the third or fourth year of your bachelor’s and thinking a master’s is your next step, or if you’re already pursuing that master’s degree, then you’re in the right zone.

We’re super excited about the amount of interest in our internship opportunities. But heads up – due to the huge response, we might not get the chance to chat with everyone. So, make sure your CV is on point! Include all your education experience, projects, and any other activities you’re involved in. This will help us see how qualified you are and boost your chances of getting to the interview stage. 

So, how to hack your CV?

Of course, the topic of writing your CV can be actually summed up in one sentence. Include your contact information, professional experience, education, other projects and maybe a few personal interests and you are ready to start applying for jobs. You have certainly heard about these golden rules many times before, but how to make your CV actually good, succeed in a huge competition and land the position you really want? 

Enter the Red Hat perspective: We’re here to share insider tips on crafting that impeccable CV – one that ticks all the boxes for our recruiters. Dive in to discover what really makes a CV Red Hat-ready!

First of all, language is Key.

  • Most of the companies have international employees these days. You might not know what language the recruiter or the hiring manager speaks. By writing your CV in English, you make sure it will not get rejected because no one understands it. 

Start with a Strong Profile or Summary

  • The truth is, recruiters spend just a few moments reading your CV. A good practice is to start it with your personal statement, explaining who you are, what you do and what you want to focus on moving forward. 

Highlight Your Education

  • As a student, your academic achievements are your strongest assets. List relevant courses, projects, and the skills you’ve gained from them.

Internships and Work Placements

  • Every bit counts! Even if it’s just a few weeks of a summer internship or a part-time job unrelated to your field, it can showcase work ethic, adaptability, and other employable traits. Have it there!

Present your results

  • Go beyond job titles! For each professional experience, list what specifically you worked on, the skills you gained and your biggest accomplishments. 

Skill set

  • Even if you don’t have work experience, you might have developed skills that employers find valuable. Think of both hard skills (like software proficiency or foreign languages) and soft skills (like teamwork, communication, or problem-solving).

Beyond the CV

  • Web designers have portfolios. Jerry has a website. What tools do you have to showcase your work? Perhaps you write a blog or contribute to a community. This is what can differentiate you from all the average candidates and make recruiters think “Wait a minute, this person could be fit for something much better”.
  • If you’ve done personal projects (e.g., a personal blog, an app, or any initiative), they can show creativity, dedication, and initiative.
  • Do you have a GitHub repository or any other public repository? Definitely have a link to it in your CV!

Look before you leap

  • No one wants to read messy text or look at tacky graphics. A disorganized CV might suggest the writer is disorganized himself. Ideally, your CV will present your work visually. It is fine to try to make it look nice and original, but don’t go crazy.

And don’t forget to tailor your CV

  • Before applying to any position, you should make sure the information in your CV reflects what the job description mentions. The best practice is to emphasize what is relevant to that specific role, and even pick up some keywords the description uses. The point of your CV is not to list everything you’ve done since high school, but rather to sell yourself as an exciting candidate.

All check? Is your CV hacked and ready to shine at Red Hat now? Eager to apply? Check out our open positions! If you can’t find anything relevant open yet, make sure you leave your contact for us here!

Questions? Our Early Talent recruiters, Nikola and Sara, are here to help: &

Lastly, always remember: It’s not just about experience, it’s about potential and passion. Make sure your CV communicates these qualities.

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