Recently we see many companies are moving their data from local data centers to public managed clouds. But with these changes, some questions come up –
- Can I store my data on more than one public cloud provider?
- What if a company wants some of the data stored locally?
- How to orchestrate the data between a couple of separate clouds?
A hybrid cloud can solve all these problems
What is a hybrid cloud? A hybrid cloud is an IT architecture that incorporates some degree of workload portability, orchestration, and management across 2 or more environments -public, private or on-premise clouds.
Orchestrating data between multiple storage services is subject to security breaches, for example
– A security breach in the public cloud can lead to an access to the private cloud’s hardware
– vice versa, private cloud hardware which is not physically secured can lead to an access to the public cloud
– Wrong user access control management to one cloud, can cause unwanted accesses to another one
– Wrong data organization may cause a data leak
– Data can be lost during the orchestration between the clouds
To secure a hybrid cloud we need to understand how do these clouds communicate with each other.
To process IO data, the cloud uses an API (application programming interface) – a set of definitions and protocols for building and integrating application software that lets your product or service (in this case – a cloud), communicate with other products and services without having to know how they’re implemented.
When deploying a hybrid cloud, we need to make sure that the API not only can process data that moves between the different clouds but also protect the existing data, not letting sensitive data leak out or get lost.
The goal of this research is to study the base rules of securing a channel level API in a hybrid cloud and the importance of each and every component of the API