Karlstad University is looking for a doctoral student in Computer Science with a focus on BPF security and safety in Linux

Jun 23, 2021 | Europe, News, Uncategorized

Following up on existing cooperation with Karlstad University, Red Hat has decided to support another PhD. student position.

Its Department of Mathematics and Computer Science is now accepting applications for a doctoral studentship leading to a PhD with a specialisation in BPF security and safety in Linux.

The appointment is a partnership between the research groups in Distributed Systems and Communications (DISCO) and Privacy and Security (PriSec) at Karlstad University and Red Hat Research.

Position Requirements
  • Knowledge and/or experience within one or more of the areas of kernel programming, practical work with Linux/Unix, security evaluations (e.g. threat modelling, vulnerability research), security engineering, and data analysis are therefore valuable qualifications. Excellent programming skills are required.
  • The position is at Karlstad University in Sweden. While there is some flexibility in doing parts of the work remotely, the candidate will be expected to relocate.
  • To be eligible the applicant must hold a Degree of Master (60 or 120 ECTS credits) in Computer Science, hold a Degree of Master of Science in Computer Engineering or in some other way have acquired equivalent knowledge.
The application deadline is June 30th.

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