Boston University sees success with new educational tools built with Red Hat OpenShift Data Science

Mar 22, 2022 | Boston University, News

Author: Red Hat Corporate Communications

Introducing students to modern computing systems can be complicated and challenging. When Boston University faculty members Jonathan Appavoo, computer science (CS) professor, and Orran Krieger, electrical and computer engineering (ECE) professor, were looking for a new, simplified way to educate their students on the critical concepts of computing systems, they turned to Red Hat OpenShift Data Science.

Red Hat OpenShift Data Science provided the CS and ECE departments at Boston University a scalable environment for students while ensuring a personalized Linux playground that only requires a web browser to get started and provides a platform for hosting open source textbook and interactive lectures.  

The team at Boston University, along with the help of Red Hatters Erwan Granger, Senior Principal Architect for Red Hat OpenShift Data Science, and Mark Dunnett, Red Hat OpenShift Data Science Cloud Success Architect, began building an environment using Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS and Red Hat OpenShift Data Science that quickly progressed from concept to reality. In less than a month, Boston University had scaled the environment to around 100 users. As of today, the environment has nearly 300 active users with peaks of more than 100 concurrent sessions, and Boston University plans to add even more. 

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