The Red Hat Collaboratory at Boston University has announced details on the Request for Proposals (RFP) for 2024 Grants. The goal of the program is to enable collaborative research between Boston University researchers and Red Hat engineers. Projects must be open source and should generally focus on problems of distributed, operating, security, or network systems whose solution shows promise for advancing their field and impacting industry.
Researchers with questions or interest in the program should contact the Collaboratory team at as soon as possible. Proposal submissions are due October 2, 2023 and awards will be announced by December 12, 2023.
This is the third RFP cycle under the expanded partnership between Boston University and Red Hat. The Collaboratory funded $2.2M in funding to 19 projects through the 2023 RFP and $2.3M in funding to 16 projects through the 2022 RFP.