Voyage into the open Dataverse
We spoke about the importance of data sharing and privacy preservation, in both scientific and computer technology domains, with James Honaker and Mercè Crosas, two of Harvard’s leaders in these fields.
We spoke about the importance of data sharing and privacy preservation, in both scientific and computer technology domains, with James Honaker and Mercè Crosas, two of Harvard’s leaders in these fields.
Historically, usability studies have looked mostly at end users, doing focus groups or user testing with customers or the general public. This process often neglected developers, system administrators, and other IT professionals and the systems they use day to day.
Passwords made are to be memorable, so they are not usually secure enough for encryption software. That’s where derivation functions come in, transforming a password into a more suitable cryptographic key.
We know you’re being deluged with event invites and it’s hard to decide where you should spend your time. Devconf.US has a unique experience to offer. Here’s why you should register for Devconf.US—for free!
During Red Hat Research Days, researchers, Red Hatters, technologists, and students come together to discuss exciting new research developments.