In this assignment, the student will have an opportunity to transform a microprofile-session application used for the widely presented demonstration microservices system [1] created with the Eclipse MicroProfile technology [2]. The microprofile-session microservice is currently built on top of the Thorntail [3] (previously known as WildFly Swarm) runtime. The task of the student will be to transform and update the microservices-session application to be based on Quarkus [4] which is a new open-source fast-moving application framework developed at Red Hat. This will include the study of each of the respective runtimes and the mapping between them and the resolution of the coding issues that come up with the transformation. One additional, optional step, if there will be time for it, will be the compilation of the service to the native executable (which can bring new problems) for the better utilization in the resulting microservices system and in its packaging in a Linux container environment (Docker, Podman).
Red Hat Mentor: Martin Stefanko