The goal of the project is aimed to create fully functional WSN implementation for single board computers (SBC) like RasperryPi. WSN (wireless sensor network) is a network using Wireless standards like WiFi where all active elements act as control points of the network. This means the nodes in network just needs to see other nodes and this allows to create communication layer between devices without creating any special infrastructure.
- Investigate current implementations of WSNs for linux
- Analyse advantages and disatvantages of those implementations
- Create a PoC of configuring new WSN and controling it from SBC
- Investigate and evaluate security risks and design mechanisms to secure WSN using standard methods of cryptography
- Create a library in C programming language using POSIX and Linux APIs which allows users to create, controll and secure WSN between nodes
- Investigate possibilities of exposing the C library into Java and integration WSN functionality into bulldog library [1]
Red Hat Mentor: Miroslav Jaroš