Secured API in Hybrid Cloud

Recently we see many companies that are moving their data from local data centers to public-managed clouds. But with these movements, some questions raise up.

Big Data Stack EU Project: An European Open Source Initiative

The Big Data Stack EU research project aims at providing a complete infrastructure management system, which bases the management and deployment decisions on data from current and past application and infrastructure deployments. It focuses on:

Semantic & Natural Language Analysis of Open Source Communities

Current Open Source Software (OSS) communities have many avenues of communication available to them, including mailing lists, chat channels, and forum boards.  Mailing lists have become popular targets for mining sentiment and emotions, as they usually provide a...

Generating Smart Release Logs using Machine Learning

Glyph uses Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing to understand commit messages. This knowledge can be used for classifying commits into categories such as Bug-fixes, Feature additions, Improvements etc. Using Glyph with Kebechet, smart CHANGELOG entries out...