Compiling Applications for Analysis with DIVINE

Verification and other formal analysis techniques are often demanding tasks, both in skill and time. This is why non-critical software is seldom subjected to the same rigorous analysis as safety-critical software. However, all software would benefit from an extra level of assurance of its reliability and there has been prolonged effort on the side of analysis tools developers to make their use easier . Ideally, the aim is to integrate analysis techniques into the normal software development process. Among other tools, DIVINE is one such verifier whose long-term key goal is to bring verification closer to the developers of everyday software. A big step forward was direct verification of C and C++ programs. The programs are compiled into a more analysis-friendly form to be verified, notably LLVM bitcode (LLVM IR). Another big step in lowering barriers for adopting formal verification is re-using automated build tools and existing build instructions of projects, which would prevent the need for manual compilation of software. The purpose of this thesis is to replace the existing compilation toolchain of DIVINE with a tool which could be transparently used in automated build systems and which would produce bitcode of the whole program. We have successfully implemented such a tool, and evaluated its practicality on a number of real projects which use automated build systems. The resulting bitcode can be loaded into DIVINE and verified.


Faculty of Informatics

Date of Completion

fall 2019



Petr Švenda


Petr Ročkai


Zuzana Baranová