Home North America Research Interest Group Meeting [May 2023]

North America Research Interest Group Meeting [May 2023]

Title: SECURE-ED Open-Source Infrastructure for Student Learning Disability Identification and Treatment
Abstract:  The project aims to develop an infrastructure that would enable users to input data about an individual student and receive back information about the student’s risk profile and the likelihood of responding to a particular intervention. We will leverage Red Hat MPC Tools and OpenShift to address the challenges of integrating and analyzing educational data from multiple sources in an efficient and privacy-preserving manner. The project outcome will involve innovative solutions for personalized education and improved student outcomes while ensuring the privacy and security of sensitive data.

Meeting Agenda:
Collaboratory Research Incubation Project

Speaker: Ola Ozernov-Palchik, Boston University

Materials from Meeting


May 02 2023


3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: May 02 2023
  • Time: 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm


RIG meeting



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