Usable Security for Developers

A Masaryk University project

This project focuses on the cryptographic APIs with respect to their developer usability. Such APIs are notoriously complex and prone to usage errors – our goal is to analyze their (in)correct usage and propose precautions and guidelines to achieve better usability and security.

Masaryk University

The cooperation between Masaryk University and Red Hat Czech was established in 2007, just one year after the Red Hat Czech subsidiary was formed. Long-term cooperation with Red Hat happens on multiple levels and includes supervising bachelor‘s and master‘s theses focused on real projects, sponsoring PhD students and their open research projects, and teaching accredited courses led by experienced Red Hat associates.

Red Hat offers students the opportunity to pursue research activities and projects directly in their own open-source lab, which serves as the place to support common activities between Red Hat and the faculty.


Three researchers from the Faculty of Informatics involved in Red Hat Research were awarded with the 2021 “MUNI Innovation Award”

Three researchers from the Faculty of Informatics involved in Red Hat Research were awarded with the 2021 “MUNI Innovation Award”

Masaryk University awarded the 2021 “MUNI Innovation Award” at its Business Research Forum on November 11, 2021. These new awards aim at individual students and employees whose outputs have been successfully implemented in practice, have helped improve products or services or have otherwise contributed to increasing the social relevance of Masaryk University’s research activities.

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Usable Security for DevelopersThis project focuses on the cryptographic APIs with respect to their developer usability. Such APIs are notoriously complex and prone to usage errors – our goal is to analyze their (in)correct usage and propose precautions and guidelines to achieve better usability and security.