On the weekend 24th – 26th January, the 12th round of the annual, free, Red Hat sponsored community conference DevConf CZ took place right after the first-ever Research Day Europe in Brno at the beautiful campus of the Brno University of Technology Faculty of Information Technology. DevConf CZ is a three-day event for developers, admins, DevOps engineers, testers, documentation writers, students, contributors to open source technologies or simply other enthusiasts interested in the latest open source trends and technologies. The conference includes topics on Linux, Middleware, Virtualization, Storage, Cloud and Mobile. At DevConf CZ, FLOSS communities sync, share, and hack on upstream projects.
Since DevConf CZ belongs among the largest open source events in Central Europe and it’s an event sponsored by Red Hat, Red Hat Research couldn’t miss this opportunity to meet with open source enthusiasts and other visitors interested in open research initiatives.
This year, Red Hat Research was also present at DevConf CZ with its own booth, where attendees had a chance to stop by, grab the latest issue of Red Hat Research Quarterly, chat with us and learn more about the running projects we support, universities we cooperate with, other open research initiatives and especially possibilities to get involved. We were excited to meet so many research enthusiasts from around the world and amazed and inspired by those who shared their stories and experiences of engaging in various university-related activities.
We learned that it was actually hard not to stop at our booth, thanks to our secret mini-gift: Red Hat Research Chocolate, which even made some people visit us more than once. But we were glad to find out that actually so many of those who stopped by were truly eager to learn more about us and even interested in possible options of engaging with us. Beyond this, attendees could take part in actual research on usable certificate errors organized by the research team from CRoCS which was conducted right next to our booth. Each participant in this usability research got an interesting reward.
The next time you can meet Red Hat Research is on April 28th and 29th. We will have a spot in the R&D Virtual Booth at Red Hat Summit. Get your device ready and stop by!