Related Projects
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- Open-Source Toolchain Optimization for FPGA CAD
- Relational Memory Controller
- CoDes : A co-design research lab to advance specialized hardware projects
- Towards Hardware as a Reconfigurable, Elastic, and Specialized Service
- An Empirically Guided Optimization Framework for FPGA OpenCL
- Unlocking Performance-Programmability by Penetrating the Intel FPGA OpenCL Toolflow
- FPGA HPC using OpenCL: Case Study in 3D FFT
- Relational Memory: Native In-Memory Accesses on Rows and Columns
- Reinforcement Learning Strategies for Compiler Optimization in High level Synthesis
- Enabling VirtIO Driver Support on FPGAs
- The Future of FPGA Acceleration in Datacenters and the Cloud
- Survey and Future Trends for FPGA Cloud Architectures
- AutoAnnotate: Reinforcement Learning basedCode Annotation for High Level Synthesis
- Effortless Locality on Data Systems Using Relational Fabric
- Improved Models for Policy-Agent Learning of Compiler Directives in HLS