Creating a global open research platform to better understand social sustainability using data from a real-life smart village
A BU team is working with SmartaByar and the Red Hat Social Innovation Program in order to create a global secure open source research platform allowing universities and researchers to study what social sustainability means using actual data from Veberöd, Sweden (or from its digital twin) as a test village supported by SmartaByar. The goal of this project is to build an open source technological infrastructure which has never been built before, so that researchers can collaborate on this platform effectively and securely to study topics that will ultimately define a link between well-being and eco-smart cities and provide smart services to their citizens. During the first year of the project, the team studied the available data and designed an open source platform that interfaces with the data sources (IoT devices) and supports a digital twin model of the village on which smart services can be tested. A specific use case (a smart traffic light) was identified from which a smart service is being built. The second-year goals are to (a) complete the open source platform to include large-scale data exchange APIs which are aligned with open standards used in digital twin and application development platforms for smart cities, and (b) test the use case using actual real-time data and scale up the use case to the entire smart village and beyond.
Project Team
- Principal Investigator: Christos Cassandras
- Co-PIs: Vasiliki Kalavri, John Liagouris, and Mayank Varia
- Red Hat Collaborators: Alexandra Machado, Jim Craig, and Christopher Tate
- SmartaByar
- Boston University Students: Yingqing Chen, Division of Systems Engineering, Anni Li, Division of Systems Engineering, Andres Chavez, Division of Systems Engineering, and Kaiyuan Xu, Division of Systems Engineering
Outreach and Engagement Activities
- Delivered the presentation “Options for Visualization of IoT data: Wirecloud, QuantumLeap, Grafana, GeoJSON (GIS)” at the FIWARE Technical Training, June 2023
- Delivered the presentation “Recipes for deployment of IoT components on Kubernetes” at the FIWARE Technical Training. Also delivered a mini hackathon at the FIWARE Technical Training. Several participants were able to run the Smart Village Operator components on Kubernetes on their laptops and deploy some of the FIWARE components for the first time on various operating systems (MS Windows, MacOSX, Linux) by the end of the hour, June 2023
- Participated as a panelist in the “Unleashing the Power of Data and Open Source Technology: Driving Sustainable Growth and Collaboration in the Americas” panel discussion, June 2023
- Presentation of our iHub, “Boston University infrastructure and research teamed with Red Hat reactive cloud development is operating our innovation hub faster” in front of the Vienna Austria City Hall Main Stage at the FIWARE Summit, June 2023
- Technical presentation and demo of the Smart Village Operator “Smart Village k8s Operator sets up Orion-LD, IoT Agent, and devices for easy OpenShift Data Science” in front of the Digital Twins audience at the FIWARE Summit, June 2023
- Red Hat Research and Social Innovation: How a Small Swedish Town Is Using Data to Create a Sustainable Environment virtual panel discussion for the Boston University Datathon, May 2023
- Invited Lecture: Workshop on “Autonomous Connected and Mobility Systems”, 2022 IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Cancun, Mexico, December 2022
- Invited Lecture: Workshop on “Combining Learning and Control in Cyber-Physical Systems”, 2022 IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Cancun, Mexico, December 2022
- Panel presentation made at Red Hat “Day of Learning” Panel entitled “Red Hat Research and social innovation: how a small Swedish town is using data to create a sustainable environment,” December 2022
- Invited Lecture: Workshop on “Co-Design and Coordination of Future Mobility Systems”, IEEE Intl. Conf. on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Macau, China, October 2022 [remote]
- Invited Seminar: Southeast University, Nanjing, China, August 2022 [remote]
- Keynote: 2022 China Automation Congress, August 2022 [remote]
- Presentation: FIWARE Global Summit, by Christopher Tate, August 2022
- Invited Lecture: Xidian University Colloquium, Xian, China, July 2022 [remote]
- Invited Lecture: KTH Royal Inst. of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2022
- Invited Seminar: Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China, May 2022 [remote]
- Panel organizer: Institute for Sustainable Energy: Understanding AI’s potential for sustainability, Boston, MA, April 2022 [remote]
- Invited Lecture: Workshop on Control for Autonomous Cities, 60th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control. Austin, TX, December 2021 [remote]
- Invited Lecture: Tutorial Series on Discrete Event Systems, December 2021 [remote]
- Invited Lecture: Interface of Data Sciences and Sustainability Series. Boston University, Boston, MA, November 2021 [remote]
- Invited Seminar: Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, October 2021 [remote].- Invited Seminar: University of California Santa Cruz, CA, October 2021 [remote]
- Keynote Lecture: 14th EAI Intl. Conf. on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools. Guangzhou, China, September 2021 [remote]
Associated Funded Research
- Our FIWARE iHub promoting open source standards around Smart Village data, Smarta Byar Smart Village Community, announced at the FIWARE Summit 2023, June 2023
- Received a certificate in front of the Vienna Austria City Hall Main Stage at the FIWARE Summit, stating “This is to confirm that Smarta Byar Smart Village has been successfully recognized as a FIWARE iHub,” June 2023
Project Poster