Martin Herbordt is Professor of ECE at BU where he directs the Computer Architecture and Automated Design Lab. He and his group have worked for many years in Computer Systems and especially computer architecture and High Performance Computing (HPC). More recently, their focus has been on system aspects of FPGAs in clouds and clusters. Along with Orran Krieger, Martin is Co-PI of the NSF Open Cloud Testbed project.
- Secret Sharing MPC on FPGAs in the Datacenter
- An Empirically Guided Optimization Framework for FPGA OpenCL
- Unlocking Performance-Programmability by Penetrating the Intel FPGA OpenCL Toolflow
- FPGA HPC using OpenCL: Case Study in 3D FFT
- Reinforcement Learning Strategies for Compiler Optimization in High level Synthesis
- Enabling VirtIO Driver Support on FPGAs
- The Future of FPGA Acceleration in Datacenters and the Cloud
- AutoAnnotate: Reinforcement Learning basedCode Annotation for High Level Synthesis
- Improved Models for Policy-Agent Learning of Compiler Directives in HLS