Israel RIG

Israel RIG

The Engineering office in Israel is collaborating with different universities and colleges in the area:  IDC Herzliya – The Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya is a private research college in Herzliya, is located very close to our Ra’anana office, The Technion – Israel Institute of Technology is a public research university in Haifa and MTA – The academic college of Tel-Aviv Yaffo.

We are collaborating with different departments in the various institutes ,by leading bachelor and master’s theses as well as mentoring Ph.D students. Our engineers teach formal courses, as well as guest lectures and deliver hands on workshops. 


Secured API in Hybrid Cloud

Secured API in Hybrid Cloud

Recently we see many companies are moving their data from local data centers to public managed clouds. But with these changes, some questions come up -  Can I store my data on more than one public cloud provider?What if a company wants some of the data stored...

School Visits

School Visits

This program includes a monthly visit of about 30 high school students, (different schools and students every visit) to our office, giving them a preliminary explanation on Open source and the high tech industry in Israel.

Red Hat Open Source for Education (ROSE)

Red Hat Open Source for Education (ROSE)

The ROSE (Red Hat Open Source for Education) Project is a cross-community effort that brings students from Tira together with students from Raanana to the Red Hat offices in Israel to learn about the Linux operating system and Python programming.


Related Projects

TitleSummaryResearch AreaUniversitieshf:tax:research_area
CODECO: Cognitive Decentralised Edge Cloud OrchestrationThe overall aim of CODECO is to contribute to a smoother and more flexible support of services across the Edge-Cloud …cloud-ds
Tuning QUIC protocol for Ceph workloadsQUIC (Quick UDP Internet Connections) is a general-purpose transport layer network protocol designed by Google offering significant advantages over TCP, …, , cloud-ds
Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) mining and predictionWith the continuous increase in reported Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs), security teams are overwhelmed by vast amounts of data, …, , ai-ml security-privacy-cryptography
Software diagnosis with log filesThis project aims to create an automated tool to identify software failures and isolate the faulty software components (e.g., classes …testing-and-ops
AppLearner: learn and predict the resource consumption patterns of your applicationThis project targets the problem of accurately estimating resource requirements for workloads running over Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform and adjusting these estimations during the course of application execution., ai-ml cloud-ds
INCODE: Programming Platform for Intelligent Collaborative Deployments over Heterogeneous Edge-IoT EnvironmentsThe emergence of cloud-computing, coupled with the shift of processing intelligence towards the very network edge has lowered the bar …, , , cloud-ds
DDoS Attacks on Cloud Auto-scaling MechanismsAuto-scaling mechanisms are an important line of defense against distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks in the cloud. Using auto-scaling, …, , cloud-ds security-privacy-cryptography
Cloud Cost OptimizerThe goal of this project is to design and implement a scalable multi-cloud cost optimizer capable of calculating the best …, ai-ml cloud-ds
Advanced proactive caching for heterogeneous storage systemsThis project targets improving the performance of distributed storage systems, such as Ceph and NooBaa, by developing novel caching frameworks …cloud-ds
Test Case Prioritization: Towards Efficient and Reliable Continuous IntegrationAutomatic regression testing is a crucial step of any CI/CD pipeline. Its primary goal is to detect bugs and defects introduced by recent changes as early as possible while keeping verification costs at a very low level. The goal of the TCP project is to create a novel ML-based tool that solves the TCP (Test Case Prioritization) problem in software regression testing.testing-and-ops
PHYSICS: oPtimized HYbrid Space-time servIce Continuum in faaSJoin Red Hat Research for the next Research Days event, “PHYSICS EU Project: Advancing FaaS applications in the cloud continuum,” on November 16, 2022, …, ai-ml cloud-ds
SpotOS – a distributed cloud-based operating system over unreliable resourcesThe aim of this project is to devise and implement a distributed cloud-based operating system that uses unreliable or temporarily …cloud-ds
Secured API in Hybrid CloudRecently we see many companies that are moving their data from local data centers to public-managed clouds. But with these movements, some questions raise
Big Data Stack EU Project: An European Open Source InitiativeThe Big Data Stack EU research project aims at providing a complete infrastructure management system, which bases the management and deployment decisions on data from current and past application and infrastructure deployments. It focuses on:
Kubernetes Optimized Service Discovery Across ClustersThe Submariner project provides an ability to connect multiple Kubernetes clusters into a secure shared network which allows various services to communicate with each other., cloud-ds
Ceph: Wire-Level Compression-Efficient Object Storage Daemon Communication for the CloudThe project’s purpose is to reduce storage network traffic (object, block, etc.) for the following cases: between the failure domains in cost-sensitive environments such as public clouds, and between nodes in cases where the network bandwidth is the bottleneck of the node