Open Cloud Testbed

A Greater Boston RIG project

The Open Cloud Testbed (OCT) project addresses the challenges inherent in an isolated testbed by integrating testbed capabilities into the Mass Open Cloud (MOC), an existing cloud for academic users. In particular, the project will:

  • add testbed dedicated resources, including a cluster of FPGA enhanced nodes, in the MGHPCC data center used by the MOC,
  • harden the MOC’s Elastic Secure Infrastructure (ESI) mechanism, which allows physical servers to be elastically and securely moved between different services,
  • integrate ESI with CloudLab’s provisioning mechanisms, 
  • provide system researchers access to cloud telemetry and datasets and provide them with the ability to expose experimental services to users of the MOC. 

Testing and Ops

Red Hat’s Office of the CTO has a new motto: “Operate first!” It acknowledges the fact that great innovations don’t amount to much if they can’t be implemented and operated. Building a complex system is a tough job, but even tougher is discovering ways to systematize and automate the testing of these systems and then creating the frameworks and tools for operating them, often by embedding AI into predicting and avoiding failures or finding optimization pathways. Our researchers are actively contributing to the field of automated cloud operations and AIOps.


ProjectSummaryResearch AreaRIGUniversitieshf:tax:righf:tax:partner_university
Discovering Opportunities for Optimizing OpenShift Energy ConsumptionAbstractDrawing from our collective experience, we believe a wide array of opportunities for implementing energy optimization exist within OpenShift. However, …, boston-university
AIDA – A holistic AI-Driven networking and processing framework for Industrial IoTAIDA aims to enable novel trustworthy data-driven real-time industrial IoT applications by building a holistic AI-driven Networking and Processing framework. Indeed, …, , , brnokarlstad-university
Improving Cyber Security Operations using Knowledge GraphsAbstractThe objective of this project is to improve the workflow and performance of security operation centers, including automating several of …, , greater-bostonboston-university
Software diagnosis with log filesThis project aims to create an automated tool to identify software failures and isolate the faulty software components (e.g., classes …tel-avivben-gurion-university
Automated detection of memory safety vulnerabilities in RustIn comparison to C, the Rust language provides significant memory safety guarantees through its concept of lifetimes and its borrow-checker. …greater-bostoncolumbia-university
Serverless Streaming Graph AnalyticsIn this project, we will focus on graph streams that can be used to model distributed systems, where workers are represented as nodes connected with edges that denote communication or dependencies., greater-bostonboston-university
Enabling Intelligent In-Network Computing for Cloud SystemsWith the network infrastructure becoming highly programmable, it is time to rethink the role of networks in the cloud computing …, greater-bostonboston-university
Intelligent Data Synchronization for Hybrid CloudsThe goal of this project is to design configurable synchronization solutions on a common platform for a wide range of edge computing scenarios relevant to Red Hat. These solutions will be thoroughly validated on a state-of-the-art testbed capable of emulating realistic environments (e.g., smart cities)., , greater-bostonboston-university
Secure cross-site analytics on OpenShift logsThe project aims to explore whether cryptographically secure Multi-Party Computation, or MPC for short, can be used to perform secure cross-site analytics on OpenShift logs with minimum client participation., , greater-bostonboston-university
Test Case Prioritization: Towards Efficient and Reliable Continuous IntegrationAutomatic regression testing is a crucial step of any CI/CD pipeline. Its primary goal is to detect bugs and defects introduced by recent changes as early as possible while keeping verification costs at a very low level. The goal of the TCP project is to create a novel ML-based tool that solves the TCP (Test Case Prioritization) problem in software regression
OpenInfra LabsOpenInfra Labs is an OpenStack Foundation project connecting open source projects to production to advance open source infrastructure. The project …, , , , , , boston-university northeastern-university umass-amherst
Elastic Secure InfrastructureThis project encompasses work in several areas to design, build and evaluate secure bare-metal elastic infrastructure for data centers., , greater-bostonboston-university
Open Cloud TestbedThe Open Cloud Testbed project will build and support a testbed for research and experimentation into new cloud platforms – the underlying software which provides cloud services to applications. Testbeds such as OCT are critical for enabling research into new cloud technologies – research that requires experiments which potentially change the operation of the cloud itself., , , , , , greater-bostonboston-university northeastern-university umass-amherst
PatrIoT: Quality Assurance System for Internet of Things TechnologyThe main goal is to design, implement and verify a framework for quality assurance of products based on the Internet of Things concept. The aim of the framework is to help individual IoT projects to establish an efficient testing and verification strategy of the infrastructure. The proposed framework is based on a model of the IoT infrastructure, composed of methodological part, driven by university team, and a technical part, mainly worked on by Red Hat engineers.brnoczech-technical-university
AUFOVER: The Automation of Formal VerificationThe goal of the Automation of Formal Verification (AUFOVER) project is to develop automated formal verification tools and integrate them for industrial use. The tools to be developed or improved within the projects are Verification Server, Verification Server Client Application, csmock plug-ins, DIVINE, Symbiotic and Testos. The purpose of the grant is to finish the development of university tools based on formal mathematical methods and their transfer to a commercial environment, including integration with industrial partners’ tools and incorporation of these tools into the commercial processes for software verification., brnobrno-university-of-technology masaryk-university
Fuzzing Device Emulation in QEMUHypervisors—the software that allows a computer to simulate multiple virtual computers—form the backbone of cloud computing. Because they are both ubiquitous and essential, they are security-critical applications that make attractive targets for potential attackers., , greater-bostonboston-university
Avocado ProjectThe goal of the Avocado project, as a generic test automation framework, is to provide a solid foundation for software projects to build their testing needs on. With Avocado, common testing problems are solved at the framework level, and developers can spend more of their time writing tests that, by default, will adhere to best practices., brnoczech-technical-university karlstad-university