Europe RIG
The Brno Red Hat engineering site collaborates with several universities not only in the Czech Republic and Slovakia but also in Europe. Our long-term partner universities are Masaryk University, Faculty of Informatics and Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Information Technology, but we also cooperate with several other universities, including Czech Technical University in Prague or Graz University of Technology, Austria.
Our engineers lead bachelor and master theses, we cooperate with university laboratories and researchers on projects and grants or sponsor Ph.D. students. We also deliver guest lectures, workshops or even whole courses at universities.
We also support high-school students and teachers, and also organize events for primary schools (for example, on teaching computer science to children).
Meetings are currently on pause; see details on prior meetings below.
Europe RIG Meeting [April 2023]
Checkpointing and Rollback-Recovery of Distributed Applications in Kubernetes
Research talk by Radostin Stoyanov, Oxford University
In recent years, containers have gained widespread adoption for developing cloud-native applications and microservices. These applications are typically composed of multiple containers managed by a container orchestration platform. However, the techniques currently offered by container orchestration platforms to replicate containers are insufficient to provide high-availability and strong consistency for distributed stateful applications. In this talk, we will explore how container checkpointing can be utilized to provide fault-tolerance for distributed applications, and discuss some of the benefits and challenges. This talk will also provide insights into how coordinated checkpointing can effectively enhance the reliability and resilience of stateful applications in Kubernetes clusters.
Radostin Stoyanov is a PhD student at the University of Oxford. His research focuses on improving the resilience and performance of HPC and cloud computing systems. Before joining Oxford, Radostin received his MPhil degree in Advanced Computer Science from University of Cambridge, and his MEng degree in Computing Science from University of Aberdeen. His master’s research explored virtualization in programmable network devices and secure image-less container migration.
Related research project: SnappyOS: Fault-Tolerant and Energy-Efficient Framework for HPC Applications
Europe Research Interest Group Meeting [February 2023]
Date: February 9, 2023
Meeting Agenda:
Synergizing MLOPS, DataOps, Data Quality, and Software Engineering: A Research-Driven Approach to ML System Development, Deployment and Maintenance by Bestoun S. Ahmed Al-Beywanee, Karlstad University
This talk will provide a research-focused perspective on MLOPS, DataOps, Data Quality, and Software Engineering synergy. Attendees will gain insights into the latest developments and challenges in these fields from a research perspective and learn about the current state-of-the-art in these areas. The talk will explore how these fields can be integrated to improve the development, deployment, and maintenance of machine learning systems in industry and academia. The talk will highlight the importance of collaboration between data scientists and software engineers and how to establish an MLOPS pipeline from the software engineering and quality assurance perspective. The talk will interest researchers, data scientists, engineers, and anyone interested in learning about the latest research and advancements in these areas and how they can be applied to improve their workflows and outcomes. Several case studies and solutions will be presented from industry-academia collaborations projects.
Bestoun S. Ahmed, Ph.D., is an associate professor at Karlstad University and an excellent researcher at the Czech Technical University in Prague. He spent several years researching abroad in many international institutes and collaborating with many industrial partners. He has a strong background in software engineering, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and AI Engineering. He has published several papers in leading journals and conferences in his field and has significantly contributed to developing new algorithms and techniques for solving complex problems. His current research focuses on software engineering for AI solutions and quality assurance in data-driven systems. He is also interested in applying MLOPs on the industrial scale and ensuring high data quality using software engineering concepts.
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Europe RIG Meetings Archive
Red Hat EU research partnerships accelerate innovation in the IoT-cloud-edge continuum
AI, cloud-edge environments, and wireless networks are strategic priorities for open source projects supported by Horizon Europe, a grant program that facilitates collaboration among industry, academia, and research centers to solve global challenges. Red Hat Research...
AI, edge-cloud, and service/network management research underway at Red Hat Ireland
By Leigh Griffin Several strategic projects in AI, service/network management, and the cloud-edge continuum have joined the research team at Red Hat Ireland, based in our Waterford office. Leigh Griffin leads the group. Red Hat Research engineers in EMEA have long...
Affiliated Universities
Faculty of Information Technology – Brno University of Technology
Faculty of Informatics – Masaryk University
Charles University
Czech Technical University in Prague
Graz University of Technology
University of Žilina
Related Projects
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Indeed, … AI-ML, Cloud-DS, Hardware and the OS, Testing and Ops Karlstad University ai-ml cloud-ds hardware-and-the-os testing-and-ops AERO: Accelerated EuRopean clOud Several European flagship projects have emerged towards European sovereignty in chip design and computing infrastructure. 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The project focuses on the constant time (and constant memory access) generic cryptographic implementations of selected cryptographic algorithms. T Security, Privacy, Cryptography Masaryk University security-privacy-cryptography Trusted Computing Ecosystem The project aims to study the TPM ecosystem as currently exists in deployed devices and software applications using it, establish the types of chips and their properties one can encounter, investigate the state of patching of known vulnerabilities like ROCA against Infineon’s TPM (CVE-2017-15361) or TPMFail against Intel’s fTPM (CVE-2019-11090) and STM’s TPM (CVE-2019-16863) and analyze a reliability of stored integrity measurements (PCRs) for remote attestation and disk encryption uses. 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The goal is to determine whether the semantics (the effect) of some kernel option, function, or parameter, changed between two kernel versions Brno University of Technology Vega Project The Vega Project team at Red Hat came up with an idea to harness the power of Kubernetes to provide the next-generation open-source tool for high-performance computing. The project is way past the design phase, and the team is already working on the proof-of-concept implementation using Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform. Masaryk University PatrIoT: Quality Assurance System for Internet of Things Technology The main goal is to design, implement and verify a framework for quality assurance of products based on the Internet of Things concept. The aim of the framework is to help individual IoT projects to establish an efficient testing and verification strategy of the infrastructure. The proposed framework is based on a model of the IoT infrastructure, composed of methodological part, driven by university team, and a technical part, mainly worked on by Red Hat engineers. Testing and Ops Czech Technical University testing-and-ops AUFOVER: The Automation of Formal Verification The goal of the Automation of Formal Verification (AUFOVER) project is to develop automated formal verification tools and integrate them for industrial use. The tools to be developed or improved within the projects are Verification Server, Verification Server Client Application, csmock plug-ins, DIVINE, Symbiotic and Testos. The purpose of the grant is to finish the development of university tools based on formal mathematical methods and their transfer to a commercial environment, including integration with industrial partners’ tools and incorporation of these tools into the commercial processes for software verification. 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