Connecting researchers, students, and engineers is the most important part of our mission at Red Hat Research. Here’s a partial list of the folks we work with—click through for the projects and papers that have resulted.
Mania Abdi is a PhD student in Northeastern University’s Khoury College of Computer Sciences, advised by Professor Peter Desnoyers.
Kinan Dak Albab is a PhD student in the Department of Computer Science at Boston University.
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Shrey Anand is a Data Science Software Engineer at Red Hat.
Jason Anderson is the DevOps Lead for Chameleon, a large-scale, deeply reconfigurable experimental platform built to support Computer Sciences systems research. He leads day-to-day operations and future development on the OpenStack-based distributed deployment of Chameleon, which is currently running at multiple national research laboratories and host institutions.
Jonathan Appavoo is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Boston University.
Sanjay Arora is a Data Scientist at Red Hat.
Emre Ates received his PhD in Computer Engineering from Boston University.
Yara Awad is a PhD student in the Department of Computer Science at Boston University.
Sanket Badhe is an AI Software Engineering Intern at Red Hat.
Ilya Baldin leads RENCI’s network research and infrastructure group (NRIG). He is a networking researcher with a wide range of interests, including high-speed optical network architectures, cross-layer interactions, novel signaling schemes, and network security.
Matt Benjamin is a Senior Engineering Manager at Red Hat.
Ben Berg is a fifth year Ph.D. student at Carnegie Mellon University where he is advised by Mor Harchol-Balter.
Azer Bestavros is the Inaugural Associate Provost for Computing and Data Sciences and the William Fairfield Warren ...
Mohan Boddu is a Senior Software Engineer at Red Hat.
Hugh Brock was Research Director for Red Hat, from 2017 to 2022.
Alexander Bulekov is a PhD student at Boston University studying Computer Engineering, advised by Manuel Egele.
James (Jim) Cadden is a PhD candidate studying computer science at Boston University.
Jonathan Cameron is an undergraduate student at Boston University, working as an intern with the Kernel Research group.
Joao Phillipe Cardenuto earned his Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering and Computer Science at the ...
Emmanuel works at the Laboratory for Advanced Software Systems, where his current projects include NASA REALM, and CloudLab.
Gabrielle Change is a Software Engineering Intern at Red Hat.
Oindrilla Chatterjee is a Data Scientist at Red Hat.
Karan Chauhan is a Software Engineer at Red Hat. Prior to this, he was a Software Engineering Intern at Red Hat.
Tzu-Mainn Chen is Senior Software Engineer at Red Hat.
Grace was a co-op student in the file systems and storage group at Red Hat in 2019.
Sarah Coghlan is the University Program Manager for Red Hat Research.
Ayse Coskun is a professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Boston University.
Mercè Crosas is the University Research Data Management Officer, with Harvard University Information Technology (HUIT), and Chief Data Science and Technology Officer at Harvard’s Institute for Quantitative Social Science (IQSS). Before re-joining Harvard in 2004, Dr. Crosas worked for six years in the educational software and biotech industries, initially as a software developer, and subsequently as director of the software development team.
Ashely Cui is a Software Engineer at Red Hat. Prior to this, she was a Software Engineering Intern at Red Hat.
Fabrizio D’Angelo is a 2020 summer intern with an interest in cybersecurity and IoT devices.
As the Director of Engineering and Product, Michael is deeply involved in all aspects of development, operations and research in the Massachusetts Open Cloud. He also teaches parts of BU's EC500 Cloud Computing class.
Bandan Das is a software developer in the Virtualization group at Red Hat Collaboratory, working on the Linux kernel and the accompanying user-space component, Qemu, enabling and fixing various aspects of Linux Virtualization.
Heidi Dempsey is the Senior Program Manager for the Boston Academic Program at Red Hat.
Peter Desnoyers is an Associate Professor in the Khoury College of Computer Sciences, which he joined in 2008. He is one of the founders of the Massachusetts Open Cloud, a multi-institutional collaboration to develop new models for cloud computing, and serves on the steering committee. His research is focused on storage issues in operating systems and the cloud, with a particular focus on log-structured systems such as flash and SMR translation layers and novel uses of object storage.
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Michael Dietze leads the Ecological Forecasting Laboratory, the mission of which is to better understand and ...
Cali Dolfi is a Machine Learning Intern at Red Hat.
Han Dong is a PhD candidate in the Computer Science department at Boston University. His research interests lie in the areas of distributed systems, high performance computing, and cloud computing.
Ulrich Drepper is a Distinguished Engineer at Red Hat. He is part of the office of the CTO and concentrates on developing new technologies for high-performance computing (and machine learning specifically), mostly in collaboration with university groups.
Manuel Egele is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Boston University.
Craig Einstein is a PhD student in the Department of Computer Science at Boston University.
Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat.
Diane Feddema is a Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat.
Hank Fien, Ph.D., is the Director of NCIL and is a Professor in the Teaching and Learning department at Boston ...
Peter Flockhart is a Software Engineer at the Software & Application Innovation Lab (SAIL).
Trenton W. Ford is a doctoral candidate in computer science at the University of Notre Dame. His research focuses ...
Lance Galletti is a part-time Lecturer and BU alum who is passionate about AI safety, Privacy, and Typed ...
Ira is a cybersecurity software engineer at BU, who's research focuses on differential privacy, a subfield of cryptography that addresses failures of ad hoc data anonymization techniques.
Abhimanyu (Manu) Gosain is a Senior Director for Institute of Wireless Internet of Things at Northeastern University, Executive Director for Open6G,co-Chair for the FCC 6G Technology Advisory Council and Senior Advisor for NTIA and DoD OUSD R&E.
Software Engineer working on OpenShift & Kubernetes.Languages: Go, Python, Java, Node.js.Platforms: ...
Mohammad Hossein Hajkazemi is a Ph.D. candidate working under Prof. Desnoyers supervision at Secure Storage Lab, ...
Stefan Hajnoczi is a Senior Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat.
Martin Herbordt is Professor of ECE at BU where he directs the Computer Architecture and Automated Design Lab. He and his group have worked for many years in Computer Systems and especially computer architecture and High Performance Computing (HPC).
Marcel Hild has 25+ years of experience in open source development and the IT industry. He co-founded a Linux ...
James is a researcher at the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. He works on machine learning and statistical methods for broad problems in quantitative social science, such as privacy preservation, missing data, measurement error and human-guided machine learning.
Andy Huynh is an IBM Fellow and a graduate student at Boston University who is also working with Red Hat. His Red Hat advisor is Josh Berkus. His research interest are in machine learning, data mining, and high performance computing
David leads the Sustainable Computing Lab, which conducts experimental computer systems research in the areas of cloud computing, Internet-of-Things (IoT), and cyber-physical systems, with a particular emphasis on applications to sustainability and energy efficiency.
Rawane Issa is a PhD student in the Department of Computer Science at Boston University and a Fellow at the Hariri Insitute for Computing.
Frederick Jansen is the CTO at Nth Party, a company that builds and deploys next-generation privacy-enhancing solutions. Prior to co-founding Nth Party, Frederick worked as Associate Director of Engineering and Interim Director of the Software and Application Innovation Lab (SAIL) at Boston University.
Research Scientist at UC Santa Cruz, Incubator Fellow at the UC Santa Cruz Center for Research on Open Source Software (CROSS); Adjunct Professor at University of Sonora. Interested in large-scale distributed data management systems, applied aspects of data science, and reproducibility
Richard Jones is a Senior Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat who works mainly on virtualization, Fedora, and storage.
Ajay Joshi received PhD from Georgia Institute of Technology in 2006. He was a Post-Doctoral Researcher at ...
Emine Ugur Kaynar is a Phd student in the Department of Computer Science at Boston University.
Manager of the Stratis team in RHEL Platform Filesystems and Storage. Formerly on the VDO team. Happy to discuss all things storage, data optimization, virtualization, containers, and performance.
Lars Kellog-Stedman is a Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat.
Rashid Khan is the Director of Networking Platform at Red Hat.
Beverly Kodhek is an Associate Product Marketing Manager at Red Hat. Prior to this, she was a Product Management Intern at Red Hat.
Mark Kogan is a Software Engineer at Red Hat.
Ilya Kolchinsky is a research scientist with Red Hat Research, specializing in the various aspects of AI-based system optimization.
Software engineer/leader with broad systems expertise. Very strong problem solver; especially skilled in leading ...
Orran Krieger is the Director of Red Hat Research (while on sabbatical). He is also a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Boston University.
Gage Krumbach is a Software Engineering Intern at Red Hat.
Gagan Kumar is a Software Engineer at Red Hat.
Miriam Leeser is a Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Northeastern where she is head of the Reconfigurable and GPU Computing Laboratory.
Renato Mancuso is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Boston University.
Ali Maredia is a Software Engineer at Red Hat working on Ceph with a focus on object storage.
Nathnaiel McCallum is a Sr. Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat.
Leo is a Software Engineer at Red Hat.
Apoorve is interested in systems and networking. His current research focuses on improving bare-metal resource efficiency.
Daniel Moreira received the B.S. degree from the Federal University of Par a, Brazil, in 2006, the M.S. degree ...
Amin is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Boston University advised by Prof. Orran Krieger. He is a member of the Systems Research Group and he is associated with Mass Open Cloud (MOC).
Software engineer with exceptional background in formal methods,programming languages, compiler technologies, ...
Robert Munafo is a third year PhD student in the CAAD Lab, with a focus on high-performance computing with reprogrammable hardware
Graduate student in Computer Science at Columbia University.
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Brett Niver manages the Ceph Engineering team within the Red Hat Storage group.
Marziyeh Nourian is a Ph.D. student at North Carolina State University working with Dr. Michela Becchi. Her research has been focused on hardware-software co-design for high-performance computing, specifically targeting large-scale pattern matching and data transformation applications. Her research interests include parallel computing, heterogeneous, and reconfigurable architecture.
Selbi Nuryyeva is a Data Engineering Intern at Red Hat.
Christopher Odom is a 2020 summer intern with an interest in IoT devices and cybersecurity.
Lucas Ou is a Boston University alumni with a major in Mathematics and in Computer Science.His research lies in ...
Dr. Ola Ozernov-Palchik is a Senior Research Scientist at Wheelock College of Education and Human Development at ...
Ioannis (Yannis) Paschalidis is the Director of the Hariri Institute for Computing, and a Distinguished Professor ...
Rushi Patel is a research assistant at Boston University.
Jyotsna Penumaka is a Software Engineering Intern at Red Hat.
Kevin Postlethwait is a Software Engineer at Red Hat. Prior to this, Kevin was a Software Engineering Intern at Red Hat.
Lucy Qin is a Software Engineer at the Software & Application Innovation Lab (SAIL) at the Hariri Institute for Computing.
Baishakhi Ray is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at Columbia University. She received her Ph.D. degree ...
Ali Raza is a PhD student in the Department of Computer Science at Boston University, working with Professor Orran Krieger. His area of interest is Operating Systems, specifically turning the Linux kernel into a unikernel.
Ali is a PhD student at BU whose primary research interest is computer networks.
Jose Renau is a professor at the CSE department from the UC Santa Cruz. His area of research is computer ...
Daniel Riek is responsible for driving the technology strategy and facilitating the adoption of Analytics, Machine ...
Kate Saenko is a faculty member at Boston University and a consulting professor at the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab. She leads the Computer Vision and Learning Group at BU and is the founder and co-director of the Artificial Intelligence Research (AIR) initiative.
Ahmed Sanaullah is a Senior Data Scientist at Red Hat, focusing on FPGAs.
Joel is a co-op student in the kernel engineering group at Red Hat.
Walter J. Scheirer received the M.S. degree in computer science from Lehigh University, in 2006, and the Ph.D. ...
Jason Schlessman is a Senior Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat Research, focused on novel artificial ...
Douglas Shakshober is a Senior Manager and Senior Distiguished Engineer at Red Hat. He leads the Performance ...
Tushar Sharma is a Software Engineering Intern at Red Hat.
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Danni Shi is a Software Engineer at Red Hat.
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Parul is a Software Engineer in the Office of the CTO at Red Hat.
Parul Sohal is a PhD student in the Department of Computer Science at Boston University, working with Professor Orran Krieger and Professor Renato Mancuso.
Seun Woo Son is an Assistant Professor in the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Massachusetts, Lowell.
Jen Stacy is a Manager, Project Management with Red Hat Research. She joined the team in 2021. Prior to joining ...
Isaiah is an Associate Software Engineer with Red Hat Research. Previously, Isaiah was a Software Engineer ...
Andrew Stoycos is a Software Engineer at Red Hat. Prior to this, Andrew was a Software Engineering Intern at Red Hat.
Lily Sturmann is a Software Engineer at Red Hat.
Christopher is a forever open source software developer that advocates for open standards together with Red Hat ...
Bill Theisen is a fourth year PhD student in the Computer Vision Research Lab at the University of Notre Dame. ...
Sahil Tikale is a PhD candidate in the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Boston University co-advised by Prof. Orran Krieger, Prof. Larry Rudolph, Prof. David Starobinsky and Prof. Peter Desnoyers. He is broadly interested in design, building and evaluation of cloud-scale systems.
Mert Toslali is a computer engineering PhD student at Boston University, focusing on monitoring, performance ...
Rajat Tripathi is an AI Software Engineering Intern at Red Hat.
Tommy Unger is a PhD student in the Computer Science Department at Boston University.
Mayank Varia is a Research Scientist and Co-Director for the Center for Reliable Information Systems & Cyber Security (RISCS) at Boston University.
Hema is a Senior Software Engineer working in the office of the CTO exploring and integrating open source AI operations.
Richard West is a Professor in the Computer Science Department at Boston University.
Langdon White is a Principal Technical Marketing Manager at Red Hat.
Pierre-François Wolfe is a visiting researcher in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Boston ...
Larry Woodman is a Senior Distinguished Engineer at Red Hat with over 36 years of operating system kernel development experience.
Xiaojing Zhu is a PhD student in the Department of Statistics at Boston University.
Mike is an Associate Professor and researcher at UMass Amherst, working in the areas of future multimedia systems, Internet architectures, and sensor networks.
Red Hat Research connects Red Hat engineers with professors, researchers, and students to bring great research ideas into open source communities. Our activities around the world have produced grants from government and industry, papers at top conferences, and results that have landed in open source projects of all kinds. Red Hat Research welcomes participation from research-minded individuals around the world.